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Qnium is a young and innovative company that focuses on developing high-performance brake and clutch control products for motorsport. This includes the thumb brake, finger brake, hand brake pumps, and master brake cylinders.

Different types are available for the thumb brake, such as OEM, axial, and radial versions.

Qnium also makes rear brake cylinders that work together in combination for these thumb brakes. The focus is on the championships such as MotoGP, Superbike, Supersport, Supermoto, and MX, but of course also on the sporty hobbyist.

Qnium distinguishes itself by developing high-quality products that come from motorsport. The focus is on developing products that offer advantages over the competition, by using innovative solutions and concepts.

During development, aspects such as weight, internal friction, stiffness, etc. are constantly taken into account.

Showing all 15 results

  • Qnium Clutch Lever Assist

    Qnium Clutch Lever Assist

    £286.74 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-45 SideTop

    Qnium Rear Master RM-45 SideTop

    £233.57 Excluding tax
  • Thumb Brake Axial V3 ADJUSTABLE lever

    Qnium Thumb Brake Axial V3 ADJUSTABLE lever

    £358.61 Excluding tax
  • Qnium cable Clutch master perch

    Qnium Cable Clutch Master

    £286.74 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-50 Sensor

    Qnium Rear Master RM-50 Sensor

    £252.05 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM50 SideTop

    Qnium Rear Master RM-50 SideTop

    £233.57 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master RM-40 SideTop + Pushrod

    Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 SideTop + Pushrod

    £233.57 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40

    Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 Sensor

    £233.57 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 Double Side

    Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 Double Side

    £214.88 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 MX Supermoto

    Qnium Rear Master RM-40 MX / Supermoto

    £214.88 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Rear Master Cylinder RM-40 Top Side

    Qnium Rear Master RM-40 Top Side

    £214.88 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Left Finger brake or Scooter Brake

    Qnium Left Finger brake

    £538.27 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Left hand rake lever

    Qnium Left Hand brake

    £574.20 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Thumb Brake Axial V3 - FIXED lever

    Qnium Thumb Brake Axial V3 – FIXED lever

    £341.36 Excluding tax
  • Qnium Radial Thumb Brake

    Qnium Radial Thumb Brake – Handlebar Mounted

    £579.42 Excluding tax
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